Vocal Music/ Chorus/ Musical Theatre
Darryl Kniffen
At Fisher, our goal is to experience music and to become tuneful, beautiful, and artful. As musicians, we can connect with the beat, pick out a tune, and find the meaning in music.
In an average class, you can find us discussing the music video of the week before using rhythm sticks, shakers, shape drums, and boom whackers to explore the elements of music. Band and chorus students meet before school as ensembles, with instrument lessons during school, to put their skills to practice. We engage directly with the music, trying to create an experience and express our emotions and understanding, as we prepare for performance. After school, interested students meet to hone their skills as composers. Using, NoteFlight students explore different sounds and possibilities as they create their own musical pieces.
Some students ask "Why music? Why does it matter?" My answer is that music helps develop our brains in different ways. It gives us a better connection to ourselves and to each other. It helps us to think from new and different perspectives and to try new approaches. Sometimes, it simply just makes us happy and that's enough.